It's been a week since I posted anything here. Just haven't felt like it.
The Terry Shiavo thing is just overwhelming in the media. The US Supreme Court just declined to hear the case, so basically that's it for Terry. There's a last gasp effort with DFC in Florida state court, but I think after 19 state court rulings all ruling the same way, the chances for the family are slim. Whether it truly was her wish or not, we'll never know, but its a moot point now. I wish her parents and family well as they say goodbye.
As disappointed as I am about the her imminent death, I AM glad that the case was able to work it's way through the US justice system. In an adversarial justice system such as ours, there is always one party unhappy with the outcome. One side wins, the other loses. In the end, even though I disagreed with the ruling, the rule of law prevailed. It is a testament to our system and society (as ill as I sometimes think it is) that we were able to have this very passionate national discussion without violence.
Putting that behind, this past week has been very quiet.
We haven't heard anything from Camie's eye doctor yet. If I don't hear anything today I think I'll call tonight.
The girls are at their mom's this week, so I've been working a lot of overtime. I go through periods of hating work, then periods when it's not so bad. This is a "not so bad" period. I don't think I'll ever have a "I love my job!" period ever again, but after 15 years, I guess "not so bad" is.... well... not so bad.
need to buy a digital camera. Since my old one broke, I'm going stir-crazy without it. I didn't think a body could become addicted to photography, but I guess its possible. Actually, I'm dying to take some day trips to the foothills and take some pics. That's one of my favorite, simple getaways. The foothills are gonna be gorgeous this spring, what with all the rain and snow recently. Plenty of water to keep the hills moist well into summertime.
A good friend of mine goes to court this morning, to determine the status of her guardianship over her 16-year-old step-foster daughter. The girl has been going through lots of problems, and causing lots of problems, so my friend had to make a decision a few days ago. She took the girl to the children's receiving home on Monday. Personally, I couldn't have done that, but it's not my home or life being affected, so it's kinda hard for me to second guess. My personal hope is that she will bring the girl home and work with her. She's a sweet kid, and really deserves one more try. But, again.... not my decision to make. All I can do is pray and be supportive where I can.