Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Movin' On Up

My brother's moving to Eureka, and I'm jealous!

Well, not green-eyed-monster jealous, but I am envious. Jack works for the California Highway Patrol as a dispatcher (just like me, only I'm Sac County), and after 9 years of toiling in Vallejo and Sacramento, got a job out in the country. CHP has a dispatch center in Eureka, and he finally got the slot. I'm gonna help him move in early November, and he should be reporting for duty sometime in the middle of November.

I have to give him, and his fiance, a big thanks for a gift they gave me, though. A CalKing-sized bed! Practically new. Seeing as how I'd been sleeping on a regular twin bed (and those of you who know me will understand, a twin's not really big enough), it's a timely gift, and I thank them very much.

I'm coming up on 15 years in my job. I'm looking forward to the trip to Eureka to look around. After my kids are grown and no longer need dad to be in a particular place for their schooling, etc, I'll be looking around for some place quiet to live, too. I love the coast, and someplace like Eureka might fit the bill.

Never hurts to look, anyway.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

John Stewart & Crossfire

Ok, I know I'm a day or two late on this, but if I didn't see this until today, there's probably still a person or two who hasn't seen it yet. John Stewart (of The Daily Show fame) on CNN's Crossfire, last Friday. It's an absolute hoot! Stewart takes the CNN guys to task for being party-hacks, and oh, MY! are the CNN-ites not happy about it. Score one really big point for Stewart who, I must admit, is funny as heck while, at the same time, very honest in this interview.

I think my favorite exchange is when the CNN guys try to take Stewart to task for not doing hard news when he has important politico's on.

CARLSON (the Crossfire co-host with the bowtie): You had John Kerry on your show and you sniff his throne and you're accusing us of partisan hackery?
STEWART: Absolutely.
CARLSON: You've got to be kidding me. He comes on and you...
STEWART: You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls!

There's a million places to search and download the interview, but this is where I saw it. It's as good a place as any.

Now THIS is what I call "Must See TV!".

Monday, October 18, 2004

Freakin' Media!

Every once in a while I read something that just torks me off. In Sunday's (10/17/2004) Sacramento Bee, there was a syndicated article in the Ticket section about Hillary Duff, headlined "Tepid reviews won't push Hillary Duff to change ways". The article discussed Hillary's rise from Disney channel rag-a-muffin to a 17-year old young lady who's becoming a bit of a star in her own right.

Now, I have daughters 13, 16, and 18 years old, so the Lindsey Lohan's and Hillary Duff's of the world are not foreign to me. I see some of their movies, and hear some of their music, in the course of daily life with my daughters. So I read this article about Hillary Duff, and was fairly pleased with it, until I got to the very end, and I read a quote from Rolling Stone deputy editor Joe Levy, where he said,

"If she (Hillary Duff) was reflecting a true 17-year-old, she'd be all raging hormones, conflict with authority and testing every limit that can be found; she would be making the girl version of 'Rebel Without the Cause,'" said Joe Levy, deputy managing editor of Rolling Stone. "But she is stuck in a parent's fantasy of what it is like to be 17, and that's a fantasy that is appropriate for 12- and 14-year-olds." (italics mine)


So it's a parent's fantasy to have a 17-year-old that is a decent kid? If a 17-year-old girl isn't "all raging hormones" and "testing every limit that can be found", they're not a "true" 17-year-old? Where does someone like Joe Levy get his view on life?!?

It's no wonder that American culture is so screwed up, with mixed messages we send our kids. We tell our children, "behave, be good, get good grades, work hard", and yet, if they do all that, people at very influential media outlets like Rolling Stone Magazine tell our kids, you're not real! You're not being true to yourself! You're not being cool, and you're fooling yourself if you think you are normal!

Jeez, I just wanna strangle someone when I read stuff like this. I'm sure its the dad in me that gets upset, but dang! I think we should all be just a little worried when a young lady, such as a Hillary Duff, or whoever comes along next, has some success without having all the accompanying drama and issues that is normal among the Hollywood and Media elite, and then are lampooned for not be "real", "true", or serious people.

I really have no patience for Hollywood people.