Monday, July 26, 2004

Waste of Celluloid

Just saw "Napoleon Dynamite" with Lindsey.  She liked it, I didn't.  I've never been a big fan of "arthouse" films, so maybe I'm not the best critic for this type of film.  Lindsey liked the characters, thought they were interesting, if a bit odd.  People laughed all through the film, and yeah, I giggled a couple of times.  I thought it was just plain un-interesting for the most part.   Nothing about the story captured my attention or any passion for the characters, whatsoever.  I think those that like it will either be close to high school in age, or identify with some high school experiences in the film.  I dunno, you'll have to make up your own mind on it.  It's playing at the Century Theaters in Roseville, so the movie has moved up in the world.  I couldn't tell you why, but it seems to be gathering a following. 

Took Emily to San Rafael on Saturday, to the Guide Dogs for the Blind "Funday".   GDB Funday was ok, as far as it goes.  We left home about 7am, and got into San Rafael about 8:45.  After doing our time in our group's booth, Emily got to meet a few of her dog's litter-mates; Ronald's brothers and sisters.  The other male that showed up (with it's raiser, of course) looked a lot like Ronald, just a bit bigger.  The two sisters were a lot smaller.  We spent about 4 hours at the GDB campus, and after eating lunch at Applebee's (Emily paid for lunch with her Visa Check Card, like a grown-up!), we came back home.  All in all, I had a good time with Emily. 

Sunday I actually got to go to church!  I've been needing that, badly.  It was very refreshing and energizing.

Gonna go camping tomorrow with Lindsey.  Dunno where we're gonna go yet.  I think we're gonna take off up Hwy80 and just see what's there.  We'll find something.  Be back on Friday.

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