Wednesday, March 08, 2006

MySpace and Music

I'm up way to late tonight, working on my blog and my MySpace page. MySpace is horribly addicting.... way worse than Blogger, folks. However, I do find a redeeming feature over at MySpace to be the availability of perfectly legal, top-notch music, to add to your MySpace page. Through the magic of HTML and cut&paste, I was able to load the music here, as well.

If you don't like it, just press the pause button. It'll shut up.

One other feature of MySpace that I really appreciate is the capability to keep in close contact with family. Since joining over there, I'm able to keep up with my daughter and her friends (as in, what are they up to!), my brother in Utah, several nephews and nieces, a few co-workers, as well as a dispatcher profession discussion group. All very cool, and in one nice neat place.

Make no mistake, I'm not abandoning Blogger, since this is my first love as far as journaling goes, but I'll be dual-posting these entries over at MySpace as well, on my blog page there.

MySpace isn't for everyone, but it's certainly doesn't deserve the bad-rap it's been getting in the press.


Ed said...

I have been hearing a lot about it lately but have minimal experience. Once when I was having problems with blogger, I went there to create a blog page and within minutes, three people had "stopped by" wishing me luck. I decided then that it was too crowded for me. I like the relative loneliness that I get at blogger. But yes, html is horribly addicting. I tweek my blogger page quite often.

Ed said...

P.S. Wasn't able to get the sound to work on my computer. Possibly a Explorer/Firefox issue.

Mike Jones said...

Hmmm sound works on both Firefox and Explorer for me. Anyone else have issues with hearing the song?

Ed said...

In case you didn't see my answer above, it works now. Don't know what happened between now and then other than a reboot. I wish cars were that easy to fix!